Tooth retention / root canal treatment

Successfully preventing tooth loss

Inflammations of the dental nerve and periodontal fibre are among the most frequent causes for tooth loss. Inflammations of the tooth root often occur when bacteria penetrate deep into the tooth and attack the root. However, simple root canal treatments are often inadequate and cannot guarantee the preservation of the tooth. Except for the field of implantology, no other field of dentistry has developed as rapidly as endodontics or root canal treatment. With the help of microscopes, mechanical canal conditioning and modern filling techniques, even strongly curved and branched root canals can be treated successfully today. However, time and material costs are often so high that patients with statutory as well as private health insurance have to pay for a part of this treatment themselves. In an individual consultation, your Dentists in Haslach will openly discuss all the options of root canal treatment and are also available to you in all questions concerning your financing options.